Cleft Lip & Palate

1.Cleft lip & Palate?

Cleft lip & Palate?

  • Cells are the basic building blocks of the organs and tissues of our body. Usually these cells divide to make new cells in a controlled manner and beyond a point the cells are replaced with new cells.

Various Presentations of the Cleft Conditions

Cleft Lip
Cleft Lip & Palate
Cleft Palate

What can be done to make a child with Cleft Lip & Palate ?

What can be done to make a child with Cleft Lip & Palate ?

  • Surgery is the only option to close the cleft.This cannot be done in one surgery, but requires 3 or more surgeries to correct the problem.

Sequence of treatment Time Line
Nasoalveolar moulding along with nutrition Within a few days of birth
Lip surgery 6 months of age
Palate surgery 10 months to 1 year of age
Speech therapy When child is able to When child is able to

Gum surgery/Alveolar bone grafting (lip treatment is initiated at this stage)

What are the other help that needs to be provided for these children?


  • Baby may not be able to take in adequate feeds in its growing years.Feeding directly from the mother’s breast is very difficult because of the gap in the palate. We provide counselling and feeding advice from a pediatrician and a dietician to help the child obtain adequate nutrition and get the baby ready for surgery.

Speech Therapy

  • Some children may require speech therapy to improve the clarity of speech. Further surgeries may be required such as pharyngoplasty for speech improvement.

Dental Hygiene

  • With growth and because of the bone gap in the gums, the teeth aligment will be altered. Teeth will be crookedly placed or even missing because they get stuck within the bone.Crowding of the teeth can make it difficult to keep the teeth clean and can cause caries. A regular visit to a child dentist will help prevent caries.

Teeth Alignment & Facial Surgery

  • Child will need to meet a teeth alignment specialist (Orthodontist) for correction of the same. If there is severe mismatch in jaw size then it will require surgical correction (Orthognathic Surgery) followed by nose correction (Rhinoplasty)