CLEFTCON is a single day program conducted for cleft warriors. The idea of the conference is to provide motivation to cleft patients through hearing the stories and experiences of other cleft warriors.
Day 1
We travelled from Coimbatore to Chennai via Vande Bharath express. The
journey was quite comfortable and provided an avenue for interacting and bonding of
the patients and their family members. A van was arranged to get us to the venue Hotel
Hilton where accommodation was arranged.
The evening began with a confidence building workshop “ I Will Lead” conducted by Mr.
Rahul Khanna, Founder Director of Rahul Khanna’s education through theatre. He
started this program in 2010 and has helped over 10,000 children enhance their

Mr. Rahul Khanna

Some pictures from the workshop. One of our cleft warrior Shalini actively
participating and enjoying the workshop.
Day 2
We vacated Hotel Hilton after a sumptuous breakfast and headed to Radisson
Blu where the real program was to take place.
The chief Guest for the function was Actor and Dubbing Artist Mr Ashwin Kumar, a cleft
He spoke about his journey with the cleft surgeries and how he overcame bullying in
school to find his passion and succeed in life

Mr Ashwin Kumar
All the talks were centered around what a person with cleft lip and palate underwent in their life and how they overcame their adversities. We had students, established professionals in various fields such as medicine, business, movies and IT professionals.
It was at times emotional but with all the success stories it left us with all with a positive feeling
The people who maximum benefitted from this was the patients who attended this conference. They were rejuvenated, motivated and went back with the feeling that “Yes I too can succeed and lead a normal life”.

Sitting from left to right (Srivatsan, Santhosh, Gayathri, Shalini and Megha Merlin)
Standing 1st row (Shalini’s father, Santhosh’s father, Srivatsan’s mother, Megha Merlin’s mother and Mrs Deepika)
Standing 2nd row (Amirtham’s husband, Amirtham and Deepika’s husband)

A confident Santhosh ran up to the Chief Guest and took a selfie. We were wonderstruck, this boy who wouldn’t talk to any of us had changed overnight. That was the power of the “I Will Lead” workshop that was organized the previous day

Megha Merlin during the workshop

Srivatsan exhibiting his acting skills

On social media- Mrs Nathalina Deepika