Post Doctoral FNB

Post Doctoral FNB

FNB Spine Surgery

In 2000, the Department became the first unit in the country to be recognized by the NBE for super-speciality training in Spine Surgery. Currently, three fellows are selected every year. The fellows are selected by an All India Entrance Examination conducted by the NBE every year during the month of January. The applications are called for during the month of December. For exact details, please visit The two-year course is open to both Orthopaedic and Neurosurgeons. The selection of a particular centre is based on centralised counselling. Fellowship Commitments : The two-year fellowship provides extensive exposure to clinical problems and ample opportunities for surgical training. The fellows have Clinical and Research activities along with the responsibility of maintaining accurate and systematic documentation of clinical cases. Hands-on surgical training is offered under supervision and guidance. The fellows actively participate in Spine clinics and are involved in the initial assessment and evaluation of patients. They also have ample opportunities to participate in the surgical procedures of nearly 2000 patients per year. The type of surgeries range from the simple to the most complex and includes both Orthopaedic and Neurosurgical cases. The rich Clinical material also provides adequate opportunities for active research work and international publications. A long term research project should be completed by the fellow and submitted a dissertation at the end of two years. Apart from this, short projects can be completed and presented as Conference presentation and Journal publications. The Spine fellows have participated in research which has been awarded the ISSLS prize 2004, 2010 and 2013, ASSI Depuy Research Awards in 2004-13and Sofamer Danek Award of the ISSLS in 2006.