Post Doctoral Fellowships - Others

Post Doctoral Fellowships - Others

Ganga Hospital and Carl Zeiss Fellowship in Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery

Carl Zeiss, the pioneers in the manufacture of Operating Microscopes collaborates with thought leaders around the world in setting up training centres. The visit of Mr Ven Raman, in 2000 paved the way for the setting up of the Ganga Microsurgery Training Institute. Both of us are happy over the outcome of the venture. Stimulated by the success, Carl Zeiss has come forward to sponsor two fellowships every year. The selected candidates will spend 8 weeks in the Department taking part in all clinical and academic activities of the unit. Each Fellowship is worth Rs 50,000, making it the most valued Fellowship in the field in the country. We sincerely hope that these educational initiatives would nurture talent and help produce leaders in the field. The Fellowships started in 2003. To apply please send your CV, list of 2 referees with a passport size photograph to Dr S Raja Sabapathy, Director Ganga Hospital, at