"Many thanks for making my elective a wonderful experience. Thank you for all the numerous opportunities to take part in such a wide range of orthopaedics"
Amresh Singh, Birmingham

"A wonderful experience and a stimulating introduction into the world of orthopaedics. Thanking you"
Cathryn Meachin, United Kingdom

"A great learning experience. I am happy to have had a chance to be here and would love to be back again"
Thomas John, NewYork

" A hugely rewarding and informative week. The dedication and expertise of the team at Ganga is extraordinary"
David Lowe, Dundee, Scotland

Erik Anderson, Wellington, NewZealand
Erik Anderson, Wellington, NewZealand

Dr. Durainayagam, Liverpool, UK
Dr. Durainayagam, Liverpool, UK

Dr. Dilip Paul, California,USA
Dr. Dilip Paul, California,USA

Dr. Badrinarayanan, Liverpool, UK
Dr. Badrinarayanan, Liverpool, UK

Christopher Josten, Germany
Christopher Josten, Germany

Dr. Andreas Platz, Switzerland
Dr. Andreas Platz, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Simon Frostik, Liverpool, UK
Prof. Dr. Simon Frostik, Liverpool, UK

"A very interesting experience"
Luca Mareca, Italy

I'm amazed by the work done here by both ortho and plastic teams. If it weren't for Ganga these people could not get this standard of care! I'm also amazed you find time to do such brilliant research and look forward to reading your papers in the future! Of course the legendary Indian hospitality has made the trip even better too. Best of luck and see you again
Susan Bibby, Wellington, New Zealand

"Really an honour to be invited in this excellent, probably one of the best orthopaedic hospitals in the world! It was a fulfilling visit meeting the objectives and more of seeing how a navigational assisted surgery for the spine and TKR are and must be done. I am very certain especially with the opening of the new Ganga Hospital that this will be 'the' most sought after orthopaedic training institution. Looking forward to come back very soon to learn more. I will be ever grateful"
Mario Ver, Philippines

"I am astonished with the complexity and variety of the severe pathology and the competent and compassionate care given by Ganga Hospital to its patients"
Daryl C Teague, Adelaide