Invited Guest Faculty

- Invited Guest Faculty at the "Chirugia 2014 " of...
Invited Guest Faculty

- Invited Guest faculty at meeting on Advances and Controversies...
Invited Guest Faculty

- Invited Guest Faculty at the Kerala state Plastic Surgery...

38th Annual Conference of Indian Society for Surgery of...
Appreciation for Satellite Symposium

Mumbai, on 7 Dec 2014. Title: Management of Open...
Best Paper- Koch, May 2016

- Functional outcome and technical considering following free functioning muscle...
Indian Society of Peripheral Nerve Surgery (ISPNS)

- Indian Society of Peripheral Nerve Surgery (ISPNS)
Gold Medal in Plastic Surgery, Madras Medical College 2014

- Gold Medal in Plastic Surgery, Madras Medical College 2014
Winner of Prof. S.K. Bhatnagar Quiz at APSICON 2013 &....

- Winner of Prof.S.K.Bhatnagar Quiz at APSICON 2013 & 2014
Prof C.R. Sunderarajan Gold Medal at TANPAPS 2014

- Prof C.R.Sunderarajan Gold Medal at TANPAPS 2014
Edmund Lerede Chalkie Gold Medal, Madras Medical College, 2011

- Edmund Lerede Chalkie Gold Medal, Madras Medical College, 2011
John McComb Gold Medal in Plastic Surgery, Madurai Medical College,....

- John McComb Gold Medal in Plastic Surgery, Madurai Medical...