“The Late Dholakia best paper award” Ranawat Orthopaedic Conference, 4....
- “Influence of metaphyseal tibia vara on component placement, surgical...
Best Publication Award 2016
- Dr S Sundararajan, Consultant Arthroscopy Surgeon, won the Best...
51st Annual Conference of Tamilnadu Orthopaedic Association -2018, Nagercoil Foot....

- 51st Annual Conference of Tamilnadu Orthopaedic Association -2018, Nagercoil...
ISSICON 2018 Gold Medal in Oral Presentation
- “Prognostic Utility Of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) In Predicting...
Innovative award for Young surgeon's forum in AOPAS 2018
- Dr. Ramesh Perumal won the 2nd prize for his...
Gold Medal in Poster Presentation - ISSICON 2018 (The International....
- Minimal Access Fixation of Unstable Sacral Fractures; When To...
Platinum Jubilee Oration : Platinum Jubilee Oration 2018,
- Platinum Jubilee Oration : Platinum Jubilee Oration 2018, Department...
Prof M Natarajan Medal -2018, TNOA

- Prof M Natarajan Medal - 51st Annual Conference of...
Prof P Dhanarajan Medal - 2018, TNOA

- “ Prof P Dhanarajan Medal - TNOA” 51st Annual...
Certificate of Appreciation -2018, TNOA

- “ Certificate of Appreciation - TNOA ” 51st Annual...
Prof R Ramakrishnan Gold Medal PG - 2018, TNOA

- Prof R Ramakrishnan Gold Medal PG 51st Annual Conference...
PG Quiz - 2018, TNOA

- PG Quiz - 51st Annual Conference of Tamil Nadu...
Prof Duthie Oration, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, UK. Oxford meeting –....
- Topic: Is low resources a barrier to high quality...
VTI Gold Medal 2018 - Dr. Anand Behra

- VTI Gold Medal 2018 - Dr. Anand Behra Topic...
Lister Oration, 31st Edinburgh International Trauma Symposium & Instructional Trauma....
- Topic: Challenges in Establishing a Low-Cost High Quality Trauma...