Hari Om Ashram Prerit Dr S Rangachari Research Endowment Oration,....
- Topic: Validated Score for Predicting Salvage and Outcome in...
APOA Travelling Fellowship Award

- Dr. Ashish Jaiswal receiving the APOA Travelling Fellowship Award...
Gold Medal for Best paper at TNOACON, 2007
- Post Traumatic One-Bone Forearm Reconstruction paper won the Gold...
Fifth Dr. Rajammal P. Devadas Annual Oration, 2007
- Topic : Bone and Joint Disorders in Women -...
Clinical Excellence Award 2006
- “Clinical Excellence Award” for excellence and innovation in Navigation...
Best paper Award
- Dr. Vijay Kamath received the Gold Medal for Best...
Prof. V. T. Inghalikar Gold Medal 2006
- Dr. Vidyadhara S recieving the Prof. V.T.Inghalikar Gold Medal...
Hari Om Ashram Alembic Award 2005
- Hari Om Ashram Alembic Award 2005 Dr. S Rajasekaran...
Prof C Vyageswarudu Oration 2005, Andhrapradesh Orthopaedic Association Conference
- Topic: Role of Computer Navigation in Arthroplasty
IGOF - Mohandas Weller Gold Medal 2005
- IGOF - Mohandas Weller Gold medal: “Total knee replacement...
MacNab Larocca Award, ISSLS 2005
- Dr Gunnar Anderson and Dr Raghu Natarajan fo Rush...
Prof C Vyageswarudu Oration, 35th AP.IOA. (Andhra Pradesh Orthopaedic Association)....

- Topic: Role of Computer Navigation in Arthroplasty
Prof Einhorn’s Oration, Coimbatore, Feb 27th 2005

- Topic: Childhood spinal infections
ISSLS Spine Research Award 2004
- ISSLS Spine Research Award 2004 Awarded to Dr S...
Dr. B. C. Roy Silver Jubilee Research Award 2004
- Dr. B. C. Roy Silver Jubilee Research Award 2004...