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91. 7th - 9th September 2017, 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) San Francisco, California.
Topic: Groin Flap
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
92. 7th - 9th September 2017, 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) San Francisco, California.
Topic: Principles of treatment of the avulsed/amputated hand
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
93. 7th - 9th September 2017, 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) San Francisco, California.
Topic: Backer ulnar artery perforator flap for hand
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
94. 14 th May - 17 th May 2017, 09 th Congress of World Society of Reconstrucrive Micro Surgery held at Korea
Topic: Secondary Procedures in Replantation
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
95. 14 th May - 17 th May 2017, 09 th Congress of World Society of Reconstrucrive Micro Surgery held at Korea
Topic: Lower Limb Revasularisation Following Injuries around the Knee Joint
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
96. 14 th May - 17 th May 2017, 09 th Congress of World Society of Reconstrucrive Micro Surgery held at Korea
Topic: Tribute to Robert Acland
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
97. 18 th May - 20 th May 2017, International Advanced Orthopaedic Congress (IAOC) held at Dubai
Topic: Upper extremity & Microsurgery
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
98. 18 th February - 19 th February 2017, Giornata di approfondimento in Microchirurgia held at Italy
Topic: Soft tissue cover for the knee region
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
99. 18 th February - 19 th February 2017, Giornata di approfondimento in Microchirurgia held at Italy
Topic: Major replantations in the upper limb our current view
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
100. 18 th February - 19 th February 2017, Giornata di approfondimento in Microchirurgia held at Italy
Topic: Challenging Thumb Reconstructions
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
101. 18 th February - 19 th February 2017, Giornata di approfondimento in Microchirurgia held at Italy
Topic: Reconstruction of Major Mutilating Upper Limb Injuries
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
102. 3 rd February - 5 th February 2017, The British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) 2017 at Manchester
Topic: Cover of the Thumb
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
103. 3 rd February - 5 th February 2017, The British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) 2017 at Manchester
Topic: Advanced Salvage of Upper Limb
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
104. 3 rd February - 5 th February 2017, The British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) 2017 at Manchester
Topic: Principles of Microsurgery Set up, Sutures, Tips and Tricks, Coagulation
Dr S Raja Sabapathy
105. 3 rd February - 5 th February 2017, The British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) 2017 at Manchester
Topic: Macro Replantation Indications, technique and outcomes
Dr S Raja Sabapathy