International Award Year 2012
Dr. (Prof) S Rajasekaran
Hunterian Professorship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2012
Hunterian Professorship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2012 The Hunterian Professorships are on rare occasions bestowed to international surgeons. Dr S Rajasekaran is the second orthopaedic surgeon in India who has been elected to this honour. It is a matter of pride that this honour had come to India after a gap of 55 years. The Royal College of Surgeons of England bestows ‘Hunterian Professorship’ which are considered as high honours and the award is jealously guarded by the Council which carefully considers and approves the proposal by a special high-level sub-committee. The Hunterian Professorship is considered to be one of the proudest traditional honours of the college bestowed to surgeons of eminence who have richly contributed to the field of surgery by original research or innovations. The honour of delivering the Hunterian lecture is regarded by surgeons around the world as a great privilege and high accolade awarded to recognise their work.