Dr Abraham Ajimzo Anejukwo, Nigeria
Dr Abraham Ajimzo Anejukwo, Nigeria

Dr Andre Kabulo, Congo
Dr Andre Kabulo, Congo

Dr Harjanto Effendi, Indonesia
Dr Harjanto Effendi, Indonesia

Dr Taiwo Aofolajuwonlo Adejumobi,
Dr Taiwo Aofolajuwonlo Adejumobi, Nigeria

Dr Rohit Arora, Austria
Dr Rohit Arora, Austria

Prof Paul Taylor, Australia
Prof Paul Taylor, Australia

Dr J C Peerbooms, Australia
Dr J C Peerbooms, Australia

Prof Nenad Tajsic, Norway
Prof Nenad Tajsic, Norway

Prof David Marsh, UK
Prof David Marsh, UK

“Thanks to Dr S Rajasekaran for providing me such a wonderful opportunity to study here. I really learnt a lot not only surgery techniques but also your working attitude and living philosophy. The three months will be one of the most beautiful fragments of my memory. ”
Dr Zhang Chi,China

“It was a very fulfilling fellowship programme Had the opportunity for hands-on. The Consultants were all dedicated to work and shown extreme professionalism in the discharge of their work. Excellent & memorable experience.”
Dr Taiwo Aofolajuwonlo Adejumobi, Nigeria

“Thank you for the great experience. This place is a temple of medicine.”
Dr Chien-Wen Liew, Australia

“Thank you for the extreme warm and hospitable stay. It was a very useful experience to learn the differences and similarities of our health systems. The level of knowledge and skill is extremely high and I am curious where the level will be in five years time. Thanks again.”
Dr Coen Jaspars, Netherlands

“I was very impressed by your facility and passion about caring for your patients. Many thanks for hosting me.”
Dr Franke Jorg, Germany

“Thank you for a four week observership in spine and Arthroplasty surgery. Amazing pathology by gifted surgeons. A great learning experience”
Dr Nick Russell, Australia