A delegation from the Royal College of Surgeons of England visited Ganga Hospital in May 2010
Visit of the Royal College of Surgeons of England

“It was a great pleasure to visit the hospital and see the amount of complex trauma patients being treated with a different philosophy”
Prof Mike Lawrence, UK

“I discover not only the quality of the work done here on clinical, pathological and research field but also the amount of psychological, social and moral care that are given to the patient and their family. In addition the exceptional organisation lead to an exceptional efficiency and I will encourage all people of my country not only the scientific ones but also the administrative manager of our public hospital to come and see what it is done in Ganga Hospital.”
Prof Jean Dubousset, France

“This visit confirms the world class set up in Ganga Hospital. I have heard so much about it and was not disappointed.The clinical excellence and hospitality were unforgettable."
Prof David Jones, London

“A most enjoyable visit. I am immensely impressed by the organisation and standards of case which are quite outstanding."
Prof Frank Horan, London