VSN Murthy Memorial Oration - OSSAP 2009, Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh,....

- Topic: Strategies for avoiding complications in the management of...
Prof A K Saha Memorial Oration - WBOACON (West Bengal....

- Topic: Navigation in Spine Surgery
The Twelfth Dr S Rangarajan Memorial Oration, Chennai, 2009.
- Achieving Excellence in Trauma Care Dr S Rajasekaran
Baroda Orthopaedic Association Annual Oration, Baroda, 2009

- Topic : Childhood Spinal Tuberculosis
Prof Ranga Reddy Memorial Oration, Karimnagar, 2009.
- Topic: Evolution & Treatment of Severe Kyphotic Deformities in...
Prof T K Shanmugasundaram Memorial Oration, 7th June 2009, Tiruchirappalli

- Topic: Childhood spinal tuberculosis
The Twelfth Dr S Rangarajan Memorial Oration, Sundaram Medical Foundation,....

- Topic: Achieving Excellence in Trauma Care
Dr R J Katrak Oration - WIROC 2009, Mumbai, Dec....

- Topic: Ganga Hospital Score in the Management of severely...
Fourth Prof S Kalyanaraman Oration, Chennai, 2008
- Topic : ‘Advances in Surgical Management of TB Spine'
Fifth Dr. Rajammal P. Devadas Annual Oration, 2007
- Topic : Bone and Joint Disorders in Women -...
Hari Om Ashram Prerit Dr S Rangachari Research Endowment Oration,....
- Topic: Validated Score for Predicting Salvage and Outcome in...
Prof C Vyageswarudu Oration 2005, Andhrapradesh Orthopaedic Association Conference
- Topic: Role of Computer Navigation in Arthroplasty
Prof C Vyageswarudu Oration, 35th AP.IOA. (Andhra Pradesh Orthopaedic Association)....

- Topic: Role of Computer Navigation in Arthroplasty
Prof Einhorn’s Oration, Coimbatore, Feb 27th 2005

- Topic: Childhood spinal infections
Dr M S Ramakrishnan Endowment Memorial Oration Chennai 4 May....

- Topic: Open Fractures of Long Bone in Children