“Dholakia Best Paper Award 2018” 63rd Annual Conference of The....
- Dr P Dhanasekara Raja got the Gold medal for...
“The Late Dholakia best paper award” Ranawat Orthopaedic Conference, 4....
- “Influence of metaphyseal tibia vara on component placement, surgical...
Best Case Presentation Award in Arthroplasty - 2013
- Dr P Dhanasekara Raja, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon- Arthroplasty &...
Late. Dr. Dolakia memorial best paper award at Ranawat Orthopaedic....
- Dr. P. Dhanasekara Raja, Consultant Arthroplasty Surgeon “Coronal Plane...
Prof. M. Ramanathan Gold Medal for Consultants - TNOACON 2012

- Dr. P. Dhanasekara Raja - Consultant Arthroplasty Surgeon “Treatment...
Prof M Ramanathan Consultant Medal - TNOA 2010

- Prof M Ramanathan Consultant Medal - TNOA 2010 Coronal...
APOA Arthoplasty Travelling Clinical Fellowship, 2010
- APOA Arthoplasty Travelling Clinical Fellowship, 2010 Dr P. Dhanasekararaja.
Prof Vyageswarudu Gold Medal 2009

- Prof Vyageswarudu Gold Medal 2009 Randomised control trial to...
Best Scientific Paper Award - Indian Arthroplasty Association Mid Term....
- “An analysis outcome of total knee replacement in varus...
Best Poster Presentation TNOA 2003

- Dr.Dhanasekara Raja receiving the Best Poster Presentation Award for...